Amchi Culture
Books chronicling that which makes Chitrapur Saraswats what they are

Konkani Self Taught
Author: Deorai Baindoor Aiyagal
Published by The Konkan Cultural Associaiton in 1968, Bombay
Porne Konkani Sahitya Krithyo

Ta Ta Tingana
Compiled and Edited by Santoshkumar Gulvady
Published by Basti Vaman Shenoy of Basti Publications, Bantwal and released at the first Konkani Vishwa Sammelan (World Konkani Convention) in Mangalore, December 1995
Konkani Proverbs, Riddles, Lullabies and Nursery Songs

Author: S S Talmaki
Year of Print: 1991, Bombay
A perennial Aamchi favourite, and a true labour of love by Sh. SS Talmaki, "Konkani Proverbs, Riddles, Lullabies and Nursery Songs". In this age of instant sound bytes, these are themes that have long disappeared from our awareness. We hope this digital avataar will, to a tangible extent, help revive our old culture, and nostalgic values of life that went with it.

Author: Dr Gopal S Hattiangdi
Year of Print: 1967, Bombay
Pashu-Puraan is a fascinating take on animals and birds that inhabit our folklore, and shows the close relationship between Man and Nature, a relationship that is under great threat in the 21st century tragically due to Man's predation. The relationship with Man and Animal in Pashu-Puraan is, however, very different.
Directory of Chitrapur Saraswat Musicians & Dancers

Compiled by: Smt. Lalith J Rao, Sh. Gourang Kodical, Sh. N Jayavanth Rao
Published By: KSA - Kala Vibhag, 2006, Mumbai.
The Directory features over 400 thumbnail sketches of the careers of musicians and dancers in the community. It has been painstakingly compiled by (the late) Pt. Gourang Kodical, Vidushi Lalit J. Rao, both noted and gifted musicians, and the latter's husband, N. Jayavanth Rao, a commentator and connoisseur of music. The community is indebted to them and to the Managing Committee of the KSA for creating a database on which the future can build.
Community and Communion

Author: Kilpady Guru Dutt
Bangalore, 1972
K.Gurudutt, a former member of the Indian Admn. Service (Karnataka), a noted speaker and writer, also served as President of the Standing Committee of Shri Chitrapur Math in the late `50s. In this book, in the space of four chapters, he takes a holistic view of Indian social and community scenario, the concept of Dharma with its concomitant ideals and values. The last chapter focuses on the Saraswat Outlook, with its language, its own institutions and aspects of Faith embodied by the Math through both spiritual and social welfare.